
LPR-218: "Plastic Pompeii" by The Mimes


LPR-218: "Plastic Pompeii" by The Mimes


The debut album from The Mimes is now available on vinyl on October 1st, 2021.

The album is limited to a 200 quantity pressing, with likely no chance of a repress.

Stuck somewhere between the absurd, poppy, and nostalgic, the Mimes are a quarantine songwriting project that managed to escape the clutches of the studio and manifest into a real band. Heard style hopping from song to song, the Mimes’ range is reminiscent of the jangle of the Dead Milkmen, the garage bombast of the Stooges, the mod-clad dance sounds of the 60’s and the timeless dwelling that haunts any sad sex ballad. Songs vary from produced studio endeavors to crunchy, rogue experiments and boombox captured folk commentaries. Featuring members of past and current Cincinnati groups: Vacation, Boys and Mixtapes.

FFO: Rolling Stones, Rudimentary Peni, The Ronnettes, Daniel Johnston and The Go Gos.

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